we hack scammers

blog post 0:

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my first blog post. Here, I'll explain a bit more about this project and why we do what we do.
We Hack Scammers was born out of a chance encounter. We each had started receiving a lot of scam calls over the pandemic, and it was getting pretty annoying to handle. So, through a series of random events, we ended up contacting each other virtually. We realized that each of us specializes in different areas of strategic, tactical, and operational intelligence, and HUMINT and OSINT techniques. Since we could complement each other if we joined up, we drew up plans to combat the scammers on their own turf.
Now, we are on our jolly journey to hack back scammers! We regularly schedule meetings where we prep and call scammers and obtain info from them through various means, which we use to take them down. We'll go into detail about our techniques in later posts (heads up, things get spicy real quick), but for now: welcome to our site! Let's build a safer web together.
Yours truly,